Chicago Vein Expert: Will My Varicose Veins Go Away if I Lose Weight?
Congratulations on losing weight (or deciding to lose weight) and taking a giant leap forward in your health and wellness goals. There are many physical changes that happen in your body when you lose weight besides just the weight reduction, says Dr. Ramon Castro, a...
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A Chicago Vein Expert Asks: Are Varicose Veins Your Weakest Link?
Varicose veins may be at the bottom of your list of worries, but to many people they are a huge concern. The saying goes that a chain is only as good as its weakest link, so if unsightly varicose or spider veins are your weakness, it may be time to actually do...
read moreCan Varicose Vein Treatment In Chicago Help RLS? – ŷAV
Restless Legs Syndrome, or RLS, is a condition in which sufferers are burdened by an uncontrollable urge to move their legs. Common symptoms of RLS can include itching, burning, and tingling in the legs. This disorder is usually worse when lying down at night and is...
read moreFive Facts from a Chicago Vein Specialist That Will Keep You Up At Night
You have seen the splotchy spider veins and bluish varicose veins on your legs when you look in the mirror, but you probably don’t think much about them. Sure, they’re ugly, but there’s no need to concern yourself with some little cosmetic problem, right? Although...
read moreThe Men’s Guide to Treating Swollen Legs & Ankles, By a Chicago Vein Expert
Anybody can develop swollen legs and ankles, but men have specific needs when dealing with this issue. Although men and women can both benefit from many of the same methods to reduce swelling in the lower body, there are a few distinctions in the way men should go...
read moreThe Best Varicose Vein Treatment in Chicago for Guys
Traditionally, varicose veins have been the bane of older women.But vein care specialists in Chicago say the problem is just as common in men. In fact, as many as 45 percent of people affected by varicose veins are male. The only difference is that men are less...
read moreVaricose Veins Can Be Treated Easily, So Don’t Take Any Risks With Your Health!
Did you know that as many as 30% of women in the modern west will suffer from varicose veins? It's true. What you may not know is that in most cases varicose veins are able to be treated, with minimal downtime in your life. The field of varicose vein treatment has...
read moreVein Removal Doctor: What To Know When You Are Looking For One
If you've nоtісеd a development оf varicose veins, уоu mау wаnt to ѕееk оut a vеіn rеmоvаl dосtоr to see whаt саn bе dоnе. Cеrtаіnlу, уоu аrеn't thе first to trаvеl this path, whісh саn соmе as a comfort tо ѕоmе. Some ѕtudіеѕ estimate thаt аѕ many аѕ a quаrtеr оf all...
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Chicago Vein Specialist: What is Ankle Brachial Index?
If you’re curious about what to expect when you come in for your venous evaluation, you are not alone. Many of our patients have no idea what will happen on their first visit to our center. We want to make sure you are as informed as you can possibly be before coming...
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Chicago Vascular Doctor: The Two Main Categories of Vein Disease
There are many conditions that can affect your veins, but most fall under one of two main categories—thrombosis or insufficiency. Some of the conditions that are associated with each type are mild, while others can be downright devastating to your health and...
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